AlKawai, Wisam H. 2018. The Impact of the Allochtonous Salt and Overpressure Development on the Petroleum System Evolution in the Thunder Horse Mini-Basin, Gulf of Mexico, Ph.D. dissertation, 165 p. [ PDF ]
Yurchenko, Inessa A. 2017. Stratigraphic and Depositional Controls on Source Rock Heterogeneity and Composition of Expelled Petroleum in the Triassic Shublik Formation of Arctic Alaska, Ph.D. dissertation, 173 p. [ PDF ]
Tong, Yao. 2016. Basin and Petroleum System Modeling with Uncertainty Quantification: a Case Study on the Piceance Basin, Colorado, Ph.D. dissertation, 103 p. [ PDF ]
AlKawai, W., 2014. Integrating basin modeling with seismic technology and rock physics, Stanford, Calif., Stanford University, M.S. thesis, 52 p.
Burgreen, B. N. , 2014. The influence of convergent margin structure on deep-water stratigraphic architecture, pore pressure evolution, and source rock maturation in the East Coast Basin, New Zealand, Stanford, Calif., Stanford University, Ph.D. dissertation, 240 p. [ PDF ]
Menotti, T., 2014, Petroleum system evolution, strike-slip tectonism, and diagenesis of the Monterey Formation in the Salinas Basin, California: Stanford University, Stanford, PhD thesis, 313 p. [ PDF ]
Tran, M. T., 2014. Formation evaluation of an unconventional shale reservoir: application to the North Slope Alaska, Stanford, Calif., Stanford University, M.S. thesis, 62 p. [ LINK ]
Dralus, D., 2013, Chemical interactions between silicates and their pore fluids: How they affect rock physics properties from atomic to reservoir scales: Stanford, Calif., Stanford University, Ph.D. dissertation, 153 p. [ PDF ]
He, M., 2012, Evaluating petroleum systems using advanced geochemistry and basin modeling: Stanford, Calif., Stanford University, Ph.D. dissertation, 122 p. [ PDF ]
Durant, K., 2011, Basin and petroleum system modeling of the Sur and Northern Offshore Santa Maria areas, offshore central California: Stanford, Calif., Stanford University, M.S. thesis, 57 p. [ LINK ]
Jia, B., 2010, Linking geostatistics with basin and petroleum system modeling—Assessment of spatial uncertainties: Stanford, Calif., Stanford University, M.S. thesis, 46 p. [ PDF ]