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BPSM scientists are adding to our trove of first-authored textbooks!

Geopressure for Geoscientists and Engineers book cover

BPSM scientists are adding to our trove of first-authored textbooks! Due for publication next month, Quantitative Analysis of Geopressure for Geoscientists and Engineers is sure to become the go-to reference on anything related to pore pressure. The book provides a comprehensive overview of geopressure analysis, bringing together rock physics, seismic technology, quantitative basin modeling, and geomechanics. It provides a fundamental physical and geological basis for understanding geopressure by explaining the coupled mechanical and thermal processes. It also brings together state-of-the-art tools and technologies for analysis and detection of geopressure, along with the associated uncertainty. Don’t miss the supplementary MATLAB codes and exercises. Congratulations, Nader and Tapan!


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