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As petroleum becomes more difficult to find and reserves become more difficult to replace, companies may benefit from Stanford's 4-D studies, which extend interpretations beyond the immediate concession areas. 4-D petroleum system modeling better quantifies the generation, migration, and entrapment of the remaining resource. It also facilitates interpretation of the stratigraphic and sedimentologic processes that are important to develop a predictive sequence stratigraphic framework. 
Becoming an Affiliate Member provides your institution with many specific benefits, including:

  • Facilitated access to research through the Stanford website
  • Invitations to Annual Meetings and workshops 
  • Liaison with faculty members
  • Student recruitment opportunities
  • Free copies of reports and publications
  • Campus visits

An Affiliate Member may provide additional funding above the Annual Membership fee; this is termed an "additional gift" and its allocation is determined by the co-Directors of the BPSM Affiliate Program. All research results arising from the use of the Annual Membership fee and any additional funding will be shared with all of the BPSM Affiliate Members and the general public upon request.
Stanford’s Office of the Vice Provost and Dean of Research provides more detailed information about the Stanford University Policies Affecting Industrial Affiliates Program Membership, including its open research policy. 
For more information, please also see: Membership Disclosure Benefits

Companies affiliated with the Basin and Petroleum System Modeling Industrial Affiliates Program in 2021 are:

Companies may provide additional funding as an unrestricted gift. All research results arising from the use of the additional funding will be shared with all program members and the general public.

BPSM's Industrial Affiliates Program is actively seeking additional industry partners. The Disclosure of Benefits is describing member benefits appears below.

The Annual Membership Fee for the Affiliates Program in 2022 is $60,000.

If your company is potentially interested in joining this research effort, Allegra Hosford Scheirer ( or Tapan Mukerji (

For more information about program memberships, refer to the excerpt from Stanford's Research Policy Handbook.

Thank you to Petroleum Experts for the donation of MOVE software in the amount of $2.24m to help us pursue our academic research.

2021 Disclosure of Benefits